Skimmers Libellulidae
Total number of world species: 968

Band-winged Dragonlet Erythrodiplax funerea
Bastrop State Park, Bastrop County, Texas, April 2012.

Male Band-winged Meadowhawk Sympetrum semicinctum
Havasu National Wildlife Refuge, Mohave County, Arizona, September 2011.

Black Saddlebags Tramea lacerata
Willow Tank, near Portal, Cochise County, Arizona, August 2010.

Black Setwing Dythemis nigrescens
Big Bend National Park, Brewster County, Texas, April 2012.

Black Shouldered Spinyleg Dromogomphus spinosus
Lost Maples State Natural Area, Bandera County, Texas, April 2012.

Male Bleached Skimmer Libellula composita
Bottomless Lakes State Park, Chaves County, New Mexico, August 2011.

Male Blue Corporal Ladona deplanata
Dripping Springs State Park, Caddo County, Oklahoma, May 2014.

Male Blue Dasher Pachydiplax longipennis
San Pedro River, near Sierra Vista, Cochise County, Arizona, July 2010.

Female Blue Dasher Pachydiplax longipennis
Willow Tank, near Portal, Cochise County, Arizona, July 2010.

Carmine Skimmer Orthemis discolor
Frontera Audubon, Weslaco, Hidalgo County, Texas, March 2013.

Male Checkered Setwing Dythemis fugax
Cluff Ranch Wildlife Area, Graham County, Arizona, July 2011.

Female Comanche Skimmer Libellula comanche
Roper Lake State Park, Graham County, Arizona, July 2011.

Male Comanche Skimmer Libellula comanche
Bottomless Lakes State Park, Chaves County, New Mexico, August 2011.

Female Common Darter Sympetrum striolatum
Samson Woods, near Ravenshead, Nottinghamshire, England, September 2010.

Male Common Darter Sympetrum striolatum
Samson Woods, near Ravenshead, Nottinghamshire, England, September 2010.

Male Common Whitetail Plathemis lydia
6 miles west off Animas, Hidalgo County, New Mexico, July 2010.
First county record.

Female Desert Whitetail Plathemis subornata
Becker Lake, near Springerville, Apache County, Arizona, August 2010.

Eastern Amberwing Perithemis tenera
Bosque del Apache NWR, Socorro County, New Mexico, August 2010.

Eastern Pondhawk Erythemis simplicollis
Bastrop State Park, Bastrop County, Texas, April 2012.

Female Eight-spotted Skimmer Libellula forensis
Becker Lake, near Springerville, Apache County, Arizona, June 2010.

Male Eight-spotted Skimmer Libellula forensis
Becker Lake, near Springerville, Apache County, Arizona, August 2010.

Filigree Skimmer Pseudoleon superbus
Granite Gap, Hidalgo County, New Mexico, April 2012.
First county record.

Female Flame Skimmer Libellula saturata
6 miles west off Animas, Hidalgo County, New Mexico, July 2010.

Male Flame Skimmer Libellula saturata
Ramsey Canyon, near Sierra Vista, Cochise County, Arizona, July 2010.

Female Four-spotted Pennant Brachymesia gravida
Roper Lake State Park, Graham County, Arizona, July 2011.

Male Four-spotted Pennant Brachymesia gravida
Roper Lake State Park, Graham County, Arizona, July 2011.

Great Pondhawk Erythemis vesiculosa
Bastrop State Park, Bastrop County, Texas, April 2012.

Halloween Pennant Celithemis eponina
Granite Gap, Hidalgo County, New Mexico, August 2011.
First county record (and southwestern New Mexico)

Marl Pennant Macrodiplax balteata
Roper Lake State Park, Graham County, Arizona, July 2012.

Mexican Amberwing Perithemis intensa
Patagonia Lake State Park, Santa Cruz County, Arizona, July 2010.

Male Migrant Hawker Aeshna mixta
Samson Woods, near Ravenshead, Nottinghamshire, England, September 2010.

Male Neon Skimmer Libellula croceipennis
Ramsey Canyon, near Sierra Vista, Cochise County, Arizona, July 2010.

Pale-faced Clubskimmer Brechmorhoga mendax
Granite Gap, Hidalgo County, New Mexico, September 2011.
First county record

Pin-tailed Pondhawk Erythremis plebeja
Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge, Hidalgo County, Texas, March 2013.

Female Plateau Dragonlet Erythrodiplax basifusca
Willow Tank, near Portal, Cochise County, Arizona, August 2010.

Male Plateau Dragonlet Erythrodiplax basifusca
Caballo Lake State Park, Sierra County, New Mexico, June 2013.
First county record and new early flight date for New Mexico

Male Red Rock Skimmer Paltothemis lineatipes
Ramsey Canyon, near Sierra Vista, Cochise County, Arizona, July 2010.

Female Red Saddlebags Tramea onusta
Whitewater Draw Wildlife Area, near Elfrida, Cochise County, Arizona, August 2010.

Male Red Saddlebags Tramea onusta
Whitewater Draw Wildlife Area, near Elfrida, Cochise County, Arizona, August 2010.

Red-tailed Pennant Brachymesia furcata
Roper Lake State Park, Graham County, Arizona, August 2012.

Male Roseate Skimmer Orthemis ferruginea
Granite Gap, Hidalgo County, New Mexico, May 2011.
First county record

Female Seaside Dragonlet Erythrodiplax berenice
Bottomless Lakes State Park, Chaves County, Arizona, August 2011.

Male Seaside Dragonlet Erythrodiplax berenice
Bottomless Lakes State Park, Chaves County, Arizona, August 2011.

Spot-tailed Dasher Micrathyria aequalis
Bentsen Rio Grande State Park, Hidalgo County, Texas, March 2013.

Spot-winged Glider Pantala hymenaea
Mesilla Valley Bosque State Park, Dona Ana County, New Mexico, July 2011.

Spot-winged Meadowhawk Sympetrum signeferum
Empire Cienega, Pima County, Arizona, October 2011.

Straw-colored Sylph Microthemis inacuta
Bentsen Rio Grande State Park, Hidalgo County, Texas, March 2013.

Striped Meadowhawk Sympetrum pallipes
Luna Lake, near Alpine, Apache County, Arizona, August 2010.

Male Striped Saddlebags Tramea calverti
Granite Gap, Hidalgo County, New Mexico, October 2011.
First county record

Swift Setwing Dythemis velox
Lost Maples State Natural Area, Bandera County, Texas, April 2012.

Twelve-spotted Skimmer Libellula pulchella
Bitter Lakes NWR, Chaves County, New Mexico, August 2011.

Female Variegated Meadowhawk Sympetrum corruptum
6 miles west off Animas, Hidalgo County, New Mexico, July 2010.

Male Variegated Meadowhawk Sympetrum corruptum
6 miles west off Animas, Hidalgo County, New Mexico, July 2010.

Wandering Glider Pantala flavescens
Santa Ana NWR. Hidalgo County, Texas, March 2013.

Female Western Pondhawk Erythemis collocata
Willow Tank, near Portal, Cochise County, Arizona, July 2010.

Male Western Pondhawk Erythemis collocata
Willow Tank, near Portal, Cochise County, Arizona, August 2010.

Female Widow Skimmer Libellula luctuosa
Becker Lake, near Springerville, Apache County, Arizona, August 2010.

Male Widow Skimmer Libellula luctuosa
Becker Lake, near Springerville, Apache County, Arizona, August 2010.

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